Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Property Auction #6: Are you bidding on Standard & Chartered Bank's properties?

If you are planning to bid for Standard & Chartered Bank's property (Laca case), always remember to register yourself with their panel agent few days in advanced. The purpose is for the agent to apply for you to waive the maintenance fees, quit rent and assessment owed by the previous owner.

If you do not perform the above, I'm sorry to inform you that you yourself have to bear those costs. In many instances, these figures can amount to more than RM10,000!

This only applies to Laca cases, i.e. properties without individual titles being issued. As for non-laca cases, this is not really an issue as the bank will automatically absorb the sum.

The beauty of auction properties with most overseas banks is they will pay up the owing sum directly to the management corporation. As compared with the local banks, they will normally ask the buyer to fork out the money first, then claim back the money from the local banks at later stage, which sometime takes up to one year! Therefore, if you are buying properties through auction with local banks, please get ready the owing sum first as part of your initial outlay.

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